Saturday 26 October 2013

Which Zodiac Signs Are Faithful ? ~ Get to know more about Your Partner/Spouse

Which Zodiac Signs Are Faithful ? ~ Get to know more about Your Partner/Spouse
Faithfulness is adhering firmly and devotedly to a person. Faithfulness in relations means engaging only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship. Whether you're married or a partner in a committed relationship, being faithful isn't always easy but if you commit to being a faithful spouse or partner, you can do it. Today it is increasingly difficult to find someone whose love or loyalty can be counted on. So many people are fickle and faithless. Marriages and families are a major casualty.

All good relationships are built on the foundation of faith and faithfulness of mutual trust born out of trustworthiness. A good marriage is largely defined as a faithful wife and faithful husband. Faithfulness includes perseverance which is a key to success in everything, including running a race. Some times commitment word is taken as synonym of faithfulness but both have difference. Commitment is our intent to stay in relationship with our wives; faithfulness is the practice of doing so. Faithfulness is a quality almost everyone is looking for in a lover, partner and spouse. How can one get a faithful partner? This question can be answered by Astrological signs known as zodiac sign. Through astrology we can know about the zodiac signs score high fidelity and about the zodiac signs which are most likely to stray. 

Faithful Zodiac Signs ~ Zodiac Signs known well for their Faithfulness?

In astrology Taurus, Leo and Scorpio signs are known well for their loyalty, faithfulness and dependability. These are fixed signs they don’t like much changes and once they established in a comfortable romantic routine than no other romantic temptation can force. Aquarius is also an earthy sign but it does not come in this category. Scorpio is also a loyal sign. They are very devoted lover but they are only being loyal as long as their partner is. Once you break a Scorpio trust you may lose their loyalty forever. They are very revengeful in this matter specially. Saturn rule Capricorn while mars exalted in this sign. Capricorn is also known well for its seriousness in relations and commitments. Capricorn is the 10th sign of Zodiac. It signifies career, status. They like the partner who can help them in their career and boost their status. They like to make relationships more on practical ground and when they find a person who is romantic and practical in life they don’t take risk to lose them. Same is with Virgo people. For them practical considerations prevail more where love is concerned and sex isn’t usually a particularly big deal. Cancer sign is the 4th sign of zodiac represent home, family life. They also never look for another relation until their need for emotional and material security is being met. They are homely and very emotional and sensitive in nature. Their main focus in life is to find a soul mate with whom they can put down permanent roots.

Cheater Zodiac Signs ~ Zodiac Signs most likely to be unfaithful

All zodiac signs are not so faithful. Some zodiac signs are more likely to cheat. The zodiac signs most likely to be unfaithful are basically those for whom personal freedom tends to comes before partner commitment. Aries 1st sign of zodiac represent self; body is very individualist and independent in nature. They always tend to think like as single and fancy-free. Dual signs except Virgo are also come in this category. Gemini people and its opposite sign in the birth chart Sagittarius are natural born flirts who need lots of space in their relationships and can’t stand to be tied down with one. Another earthy sign is Aquarius which also include in this category. It is ruled by Rahu. They don’t care about anything. Libra is the 7th sign of zodiac represent relationships, partnerships. They have a talent for attracting opposite sex very easily that’s why they have a reputation for being unfaithful. Libra is a sign of balancing things and very social. These people usually in confusion about what they want, and for them it is difficult to say no being social. Pisces is another water sign with dual nature. It’s a slippery fish who falls in and out of love a too easily and has an occasional problem with truthfulness. 

So through the zodiac signs we can know about the nature of the partner/spouse and if you don’t want to be cheated and want a long term healthy and faithful relationship you need to take some remedial measures and precautions in time.


Om Tat Sat

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