Saturday 26 October 2013

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter Retrograde

It is the possibility that you were born with one or more planets in retrograde motion. Planets that are retrograde in your birth chart would account for why some things would come to you later in life than others, such as; a fulfilling relationship or marriage, financial abundance, career opportunities, college, children, etc. Actually periods of retrograde planets are periods of “re:” renewing, reflecting, restarting, etc. instead of being viewed negatively, these retrograde periods are a positive time to slow down and possibly make some necessary changes. Retrograde motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past. You learned something during the retrograde experience or took care of the past while the planet was retrograde and now you get to move forward under better circumstances than you would have had the planet not gone retrograde. Retrograde motion isn't a bad thing, it's actually meant to serve higher purpose. Everything is always for your higher purpose.

Jupiter is known as the most benefic planet in astrology. It is considered to be the most powerful and influential planet among nine planets. It represents auspiciousness, honesty, justice, positive qualities and happiness. It is the karaka of second, fifth, ninth, tenth and eleventh house. It is the significator of marriage, spirituality, children, higher education, travel, finance, wealth etc. Jupiter is the lord of Punarvasu, Vishakha and Purvabhadra nakshatra. It remains in retrograde position for four months in a year. Jupiter remains in one sign for a period of 1 year and takes 13 years to complete the zodiac cycle. Jupiter aspects 5th, 7th and 9th house from its position. The houses that are aspected by Jupiter are believed to give auspicious results, but give inauspicious results to the house in which it is situated. In normal conditions, Jupiter is the provider of wisdom, intelligence and happiness.

A retrograde Jupiter is equivalent to training mystical power and strength. This is a perfect time to go deep within ourselves for understanding, introspection and enlightenment. People with retrograde Jupiter in their birth charts are able to perform all that tasks that a normal person cannot even think of doing in his life. Such people achieve fame and respect while doing unusual tasks. It is a karaka planet of growth, expension, spirituality, divine knowledge. When Jupiter in retrograde motion it emphasises more upon inner awareness and inner growth. Retrograde Jupiter becomes more spiritual and philosophical. Jupiter retrogration in birth chart in the 2nd and 4th house is considered good for restoring objects or property for resale. It is good for restoring troubled relationships ruled by the various houses. Therefore, it can be assumed that, when Jupiter retrograde in transit, it is a good time to assessment of any project or relationship that is failing. Depending on the house, the focus of your re-assessments could be money, relationships, career, etc.

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