Friday 15 November 2013

Child Birth in Astrology ~ Progeny in Vedic Astrology

Child Birth in Astrology ~ Progeny in Vedic Astrology

Progeny is a very important aspect of life as they carry on legacy of their forefathers. Birth of children maintains the continuity of family and the society. No matter how varied and different India’s culture may be, prevailing norms amongst all Indians indicate the necessity of starting one’s family as soon as possible. The Hindus attach utmost importance to the birth of a male child. One couple goes into the marriage of institution relatives start asking “when are we getting good news?” Difficulty or even a delay in getting pregnant can play havoc on a marriage. The stress can put excessive strain on relationships with spouse, in-laws and extended families. The Vedic seers having understood that children is the result of good deeds of the past life and they have nominated the 5th  and 9th  houses of a horoscope as houses of children. In our culture, marriage is only considered successful if a child gets birth in the family. Astrology is easily able to pinpoint the time period of child birth. In Vedic Astrology, first we have to check for a couple’s power of reproduction to promise childbirth. Strength of a man to make a woman pregnant depends upon the strength of Sun in his natal chart and strength of Semen depends upon powerful Venus. If the lord of the 5th in the birth chart is placed with Mercury, Venus or Saturn, there is problem is procreation as these three planets tend to obstruct the natural putra karaka Jupiter.

Relevant Houses to Consider in Child Birth
2nd house for family, 5th for 1st child in women’s chart, 6th house for labour pain, 8th house show possibility of operation, 11th for the fulfilment of desires it is also the 5th from partner, 12th house for hospitalization. Ascendant for self and 7th for spouse/partner, 3rd is 9th from partner so it also has importance as it indicates 3rd child in women horoscope. 5th house decides if the native will get children or not. The 5th house rules progeny matters, learning, emotions, creation and good deeds done in past life. The 5th for females and 11th for males are important. Jupiter is the natural significator of childbirth. In females Moon is fertility and   Mars is menstruation. In males Venus is fertility and Sun is vitality. Jupiter is the significator for progeny and learning while the Sun is the secondary significator. Emotions are signified by the planet Moon. Putrakaraka in Jaimini  is also important.
5th house of horoscope shows the prospects of having children. Placement of benefics here support the healthy development of the foetus, while dry and malefic planets may not be favourable for childbirth. Placement of 5th lord also matters in child birth. Its placement in the malefic houses represents sickness, sorrows, death and losses then childbirth could be denied. If the 5th house lord is placed well, it would mean a favourable position for childbirth. Jupiter is the significators for children/son rules two zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. If Jupiter is weak in the horoscope, being placed in malefic houses or in conjunction with malefic, it may prevent or hinder the prospects of childbirth. Placement of Moon in the birth chart is also important. If Moon is placed in the 5th house and under benefic influence by aspects or conjunction of other planets, native may be blessed with many children. However, any malefic influence may hinder the childbirth. Ketu denotes problems related to conception. Natural and functional malefics also denotes problems in having children. Mercury and Saturn are known as Barren planets. Planet in own sign never deny children.

Barren or Fruitful Zodiac Signs for child birth
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces zodiac signs are fruitful signs while Virgo, Aries, Gemini and Leo are considered barren/impotent signs and their positions in a natal chart can indicate problems. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius are said to be semi-fruitful. Fruitful signs on the cusps of the 11th and 5th houses, and the lords of the 5th and 11th posited in fruitful signs, promise children. Barren signs on the cusps of the 1st, 5th, and 11th, or the lords of these posited in barren signs, lessen the chances of children of their own.

Divisional charts
Divisional charts are also important as they give a deeper insight into the matters. Navansh chart and Saptamasha chart should also be checked as it gives clear picture about the matters pertaining to childbirth. Divisional charts help us predict about our children and happiness from them. Navamsha lord of the 5th lord of the birth horoscope. If that planet is in a good condition or well-aspected in the birth horoscope, the birth of children is assured. In Female Horoscope, Moon and in Male horoscope, Sun and Jupiter becomes the key controller progeny in the Saptamsa and thus the procreation. If they are badly placed, being afflicted, or placed in the Maraka Sthana in the Saptamsa, this can show problem or denial of progeny. At the time of birth, dasha and bhukti lords also play important role in child birth. When planet signifies child birth tally with planets in transits and dasha/bhukti couple blessed with progeny.

Important factors regarding child birth
When 5th house is connected with male planets then child would be Male. Planets deposited in odd signs also indicate Male child. When 5th house is connected with female planets then child would be female. Planets deposited in even signs also indicate female child. If 5th  house is connected to Mercury, Jupiter and Dual signs, then Twins born. When 5th house is connected with Saturn or Mercury then Eunuch born. If 5th and Jupiter shows promise of child but the Dasha Lords do not agree, then it delayed child birth. Influence of malefic on 5th also indicates delay in child birth. When Jupiter is connected with 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th or 10th house, then the child birth would indicate prosperity for the family. Confirm the above combinations in divisional charts also as it gives the micro picture of the related event.

To mitigate the malefic influence of planets different remedies are there like Mantra for begetting children, Havana, Gemstones, Rudraksha, Puja etc. which can be opted as per the requirement of the couple. Proper remedies should be performed by consulting the astrologer.

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Om Tat Sat

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