Tuesday 25 August 2015

Retrogression of Planets ... Saturn Retrograde in 6th house


Retrogression of Planets

Saturn Retrograde in 6th house

There are three moving stages of planets namely direct, stationary and retrograde. Direct motion of planets represents that they are moving towards achieving their goals. In Stationary position they become helpless or can say inactive. While retrogration moton of planets is a situation when these planets coming out of the stationary position and again desirous to achieve their goals with new strength. Retrogration motion of planets is not real but an illusion. Retrograde means moving backward and in real it does not happen as no planet move backward. Actually people with retrograde planets tends to think more deeply about the energies involved. People with retrograde planets are tend to break the time barrier. They have the ability to think different. These people bring with them the memories of past lifetimes. Usually these people talk or think beyond boundaries and sometimes feel uneasy with the rest of the world.

Retrogration of planet appears due to the motion of the earth’s orbit. All planets except Sun and Moon have a period of retrogration.  Jupiter is retrograde for 120 days, Mars for 80 days, Mercury retrograde for 24 days and Venus retrograde for 42 days. Saturn is retrograde for approximately 140 days and is stationary about 5 days before and after retrogration period to complete.  Saturn is a planet of judgment. It represents Father, Authority. It’s a planet of delay, practice, discipline, responsibilities, har work. It wont reward until you are able to bear responsibility.

3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th houses are considered Upchay Houses of the horoscope and malefic are considered good if placed here. Retrograde Saturn in the horoscope presents the avoidance of responsibilities of past and present. Retrograde motion of planets gives one more opportunity to fulfil past responsibilities which left incomplete. Retrogration is not bad at all or Retrograde planet is not bad at all as they are the manifestation of our past karma left incomplete or our desires could not complete in past births. They are to fulfil your higher purpose.

People having retrograde planets in their birth chart having problem to say No or they are unable to set boundaries. 6th house is for job, work, enemies, health, courtcases, debt etc. Retrograde Saturn in 6th means these matters were neglected or ignored in past. So you need to be disciplined systematic regarding these issues more otherwise you may get issues with them and you might have to suffer through these areas more because Saturn is a planet which make you learn through lessons or can say through practicle. Like if you are not cautious about health you might have to face health issues early in life. So you need to follow health programme strictly. You will feel these issues whenever Saturn retrograde. Like native with retrograde Saturn may victim at the hand of someone who is in authority. These people usually arrogant and hold everyone accountable not the actual one. These people are very tough to handle. Usually they are perfect in their work, usually hardworking so sometimes people take advantage of them.

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