Friday 7 August 2015

Know more about DharmaKarmaAdhipati Yoga in Horoscope … Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yoga

Know more about DharmaKarmaAdhipati Yoga in Horoscope … Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yoga

In birth chart 1st, 5th, 9th houses from ascendant are known as Trikona sthana (Trines) and 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses from ascendant are known as Kendra sthana (Quadrants). When lords of Trikona and Kendra are conjunct in same house it forms Raja yoga, if these lords exchange their places in same houses then also it forms Raja yoga and confer many benefits to the natives in the form of longevity, health, wealth, happiness, name and fame. 

9th house in Kona sthana also known as Dharma sthana and 10th house in Kendra sthana also known as Karma sthana are the best houses and when their lords are in conjunction in same house or if there is an exchange between the lords of Karma and Dharma houses then also it forms a Raja yoga known as KarmaDharmaAdhipati Yoga. Natives having this yoga in his birth chart will have high level of prosperity, millionaire & enjoy royal comforts all his life during the periods of the planets involve in the yoga.

For enjoying full result of this yoga both planets must be strong without any malefic influence. In case of bad influence results might be there but not long lasting depend upon other planetary influence over this yoga and their position in birth chart also important.

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