Astrology of Addictions
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology

Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology
`Addiction’ can refer to anything that starts to become the main focus of a native’s life at the detriment of everything else. It is long, slow, insidious process that starts well before the addict’s life is disrupted by their illness. There are many types of addictions some of them are healthier while others are destructive or bad to health. So here we are talking about bad addictions like alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, extreme sex etc.
Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Addiction can come in any form and if left unchecked it can cause serious personal, family, health and financial problems in future.
Usually native under addiction is left with no sense of responsibility and once addicted he continues for gratification of distorted senses and he completely refuses to listen, understand and accept that his life is being destroyed due to alcohol, smoking and other drugs or addictions. So it is better to recognize this kind of situation in time. Through astrology one can know if one is likely to fall prey to addictions in his life and can take preventive measures accordingly.
In astrology 8th house is the house of secret relations, addictions etc. 2nd house indicates childhood, family, mouth, food, eating habits etc. 1st house indicates overall personality, nature, physique etc. 3rd house for hands, liking, hobbies, making choice etc. 6th house is mainly related with the health of the person it is for diseases, enemies etc. 4th house is for happiness at home and mother. Malefic influence over above stated houses and their lords may cause addictions to the native.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and other watery signs also play key role in causing addictions to the native. Main Planets responsible for addictions are Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. Their relationship with 1st 2nd 6th and 8th house of the horoscope can make the native addiction prone.
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology
Rahu is a planet of unlimited desires, no boundaries, meaningful obsessions and possessive nature. It is a pleasure seeking planet. Rahu is a Dragon Head which rules over lower level of desires if make connection with Moon make the native selfish, lustful desirous or can say make the native overwhelmed by powerful desires. Rahu is a shadowy planet having head no body desirous to have all worldly things and want to become powerful who always think of future ignoring present and want to rule the world. Natives having uncontrolled Rahu in horoscope usually become very successful outwardly but on the inner level they create a compulsive state of addictions. Ketu is a headless body. It is the planet of confusion, misguide and when connected to Moon make the native confuse and misguide.
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology

Moon is the significator of mind, emotions and inner states or can say inner perception. When these significators are not developed well with time can move the native towards addictions. For addictions Moon need to be affected by malefics or weak in horoscope. Saturn is a significator of depression, darkness in life. When Saturn is connected to Moon with conjunction, aspect or in the sign of Moon make the native uncertain or fearful about the future, helpless, unwanted or unloved. Usually natives have constant self criticized by near and dear ones or might be even worse due to that they worry a lot, become negative in approach and restless. Such people need quick relief from emotional turbulences. To come out from this state of nervousness natives with unafflicted Moon uses natural ways of relaxation like yoga, meditation, music etc. while others with weak Moon move to fastest ways of relaxation like alcohol, drugs, food, pain killers etc. Mars connection to Moon makes the native prone to anger and want quick relief from emotional turbulences.
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology

Venus is for sugars, sweets, luxuries, sex, drugs, alcohol, love, pleasures, harmony, balance, Daityaguru. It is karaka for all worldly pleasures including addictive pleasures. If it is under malefic influence in the horoscope can make the native sex addicted, drug addicted and alcoholism. Saturn influence makes the native alcoholic and Mars forces the native to act or go for it. Sun is also found afflicted by malefic as it represent s our soul in horoscope. Afflicted Mercury induces a thought process that often leads to a craving. And of course ascendant which represent out overall personality must be under affliction by malefic or weak ascendant lord to cause addictions. Generally Nodes affecting ascendant, Venus in 8th under malefic influence, afflicted natural 4th sign with weak Moon is seen in many horoscopes of addictive people. Neptune connection is also seen with Scorpio in many horoscopes.
Example horoscope
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology

There are a number of remedies available for the people having addictions but these remedies need to be determined on an individual basis. Prevention is better than cure so it is better to recognize this kind of situation in time through astrology and take preventive measures accordingly.
Will I be addicted to drinking ? Drug addiction in Astrology
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