Thursday, 12 May 2022

saturn and rahu conjunction in horoscope

 शनि और राहु की युति का फल

Saturn and rahu conjunction in horoscope

 प्रेतयोग/श्रापित योग/नंदी योग/नागमणि योग

Saturn is for physical action lawful strict traditional Judge  karamfaldata delay karam karak income slow movingv spouse marriage longevity frustration strict idleness hard workSaturn, the planet of justice, son of Sun, slow moving planet with a outer ring. The ring indicates limit or boundaries.

rahu is sudden desire want right now restless illusion smoke amplified obsession growth ills smoke gambling drinking technology innovationb courage clever mind body less head north node of moon ghost law breaker taboo breaker disputes arguments foreign things country people short cut

both are friends many things they have I common both malefics they don't like sun when these two friends conjuncts in any chart, Rahu will reduce the ill effect of Saturn and Saturn will reduce ill effects of Rahu.Saturn+Rahu is much better combination provided you apply your mind in pure physical actsshrapit yog is made by some astrologers bcos this yoga with this name not found in booksI will not say this yog is very good bcos this yog is a heavy conjunction.Lot of factors decide the result for this conjunction.

war between 2 planets of opposite nature yetboth malefic.  Saturn's lawful and strict and rahus has craving obsession want it now and want more so this is quite difficult combination to manage.

If able to manage excellent for material success.

this yog acts like a double Saturn .instability and frustration related the houses they'regive struggle delay frustration regarding career associatedso.e illegal activitiesillegal incomeproblems kn relationships ghost issues huge wealth gainhabitual of alcohol, drugs, smoking. These people can make money from illegal way, by cheating other or going against the lawgo to foreign lands, civil services, computeru programmer, builder, construction, engineer Magician tantrik. Saturn indicates Karma, so bad Karma can be one of the biggest bad impactbribe shortcuts.

this type of conjunction gives immense wealth to a person.The bottom line of the answer is, in most of the cases, the said conjunction cannot be said8 to be bad.Keep Eye on Your Karma. Start doing hard work

this yoga can give health issues like blindness or weak eye sight rheumatic pains Saturn is knee long term disease debt enemies

Mental issues due to spirits ghost

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