Sunday, 26 August 2018

Nadi Astrology ~ Will BJP come in power again next year ?

Will BJP come in power again next year ?

This horary was posted on facebook regarding BJP n Modi in 2019 election

Date 26/8/2018 7:27 delhi hora was venus
As I did analysis as per Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
lets check if horary chart match with the query given or not

Venus in virgo 6th sign of natural zodiac represent enemy competition fight so hora lord telly with query

Now check lagna which has leo sign known as the sign of kingdom so its also going with subject

Check moon in opposition in 11th sign of fulfilment of desire.

Another beauty of nadi astrology is that we can identify the person/thing with symbol formed by planets. As Bjp symbol is “lotus” (kamal ka fool) hora lord venus represent flower 5th to it ketu symbolize lower part of symbol now need water which is 2nd to ketu n its color is made by mars so lotus formed and query is 100% matching with horary chart.

Now check if bjp will come in power in 2019

When we take hora lord as lagna
its debilitated n its lord in 11th to it with rahu
rahu is the planet of conspiracy foreign etc

hora lord weak but not powerless n  have fair chances to win for that they have to use their mind to fight with opposition as moon in 6th to venus. 10th lord mercury in 11th again good.

Lets check with lagna
lagna lord in lagna it’s a powerful rajayoga as sun is a king on throne
6 has powerful mars with ketu signifying Lord Hanuman ji as per nadi who are able to defeat enemy or can say “raam” name wiil be used in his agenda being powerful they will get benefit.
9th lord exalted in 6th with nodes indicate with the help of strong stategy and hard work they will come into power. if we take Saturn as karma karaka in Jupiter sign n its lord in 11th to it. Jupiter in 11th from Saturn also a good sign for BJP.  7th moon yet in oppotition but friend indicating support from some opposite party/female.
Now check opposition
7 lord retrograde in 11H after retrograde will be in mars sign n exchange happen here mars strong beat Saturn, 6 lord in opposition asc weakening it

if we check ashtakvarg bjp is more powerful.
Overall judgement indicating tuff competition but by the help of  Strong Strategy (chanakya niti) and some other parties BJP will come again in power in 2019.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Nadi Astrology ~ Marriage and Career

Nadi Astrology ~ Marriage and Career

Sachin Tendulkar started cricket at the age of 9 retire in 2013
at nine of age progressed jup sat  from virgo causing bhagyodaya yoga connected with natal jup ma ju

Marriage 1995 (Wife six years elder from medico field)
ve sun sat ketu gave medicine related profession
ve nus sat career oriented wife, saturn elder
jeeva connected with sport mars exalted being 10 lord met mercury gf on airport in pisces fall in love sun ahead dharma married his gf, mo ra something unusual different in marriage wife elder total different field also medicine line
progressed n transit jup must be in libra