Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Nadi Astrology ~ Horoscope of our Prime minister Narender Modi ji

This is the horoscope of our Prime minister Narender Modi ji
Jup rahu ve sat good fortune to the native
Wife also fotunate respected guide teacher sun ahead govt job of wife
sat ve working wife
mer ve jup saraswati yoga
jup ve long life
jup sat maha bhagya yoga
Jup sun me ketu born for some special cause respected by society pol career dhwaja reached heights in pol career
Mars rahu separation from wife
Jup rahu away from family
mo ma maa beta yoga (mother blessings always there for him)

birth details: 17 sep 1950, 9:34 am, vadnagar, gujrat

Nadi Astrology ~ Horoscope of Saharashri Subrata Roy

This is the horoscope of Saharashri Subrata Roy an Indian Businessmen chairman of Sahara India Parivar. He got arrested on 28 Feb 2014 by up police in a dispute with market regulator SEBI
Me ve excellent in education good education technical education
Sat ma mechanical engineer
Sat ma rahu big vehicles, bigness
Jup sat lucky gain Good in profession
Jup mer Venus smooth edu high intelligent
Ve sun wife have good administrative skills
Ra ma hasty anger prone stubborn
Ve ke money block wife spiritually inclined independent in nature
Mer ketu land/legal dispute affairs
Jup Venus good longevity
Jup sat mo lots of travelling 
Sat mo unnecessary expenditure
Ma Ra imprisonment ?
He started his career from 1978 and up to 2013 progressed well
He has two sons and a wife
Mother got expired in 2016

Nadi Astrology (BNN) ~ Deaf and Dumb

This is male one year old
Deaf n dumb by birth reported by parents
Jup is 6l in 3h afflicting 2h being retrograde
Jup temporary malefic
Mercury speech conjunct mo sat
Rahu in vani sthan conjunct sat mo me
Retro Jup also get connected with sat mo me
retro jup started his journey from 2nd house 1st in progression

Planetry positions in Tantrik Horoscope (तांत्रिको की कुंडली में ज्योतिष योग)

Planetry positions in Tantrik Horoscope (तांत्रिको की कुंडली में ज्योतिष योग)

For tantrik siddhi moon must be afflicted by rahu, venus danav guru need to be connected with rahu, Scorpio sign connection also there as this is for secrets usually these sidhidhi done secretly, mars courage saturn karma all need to be connected. sun must be afflicted as these activities against dharma. ketu connection with sat jup. weak jup and sun