Thursday, 29 September 2016

Bhrigu Bindu ~ Your Destiny Point

Bhrigu Bindu ~ Your Destiny Point

Bhrigu Bindu ~ Your Destiny Point

Bhrigu Bindu is a sensitive point in ones birth chart which is the intersection of Rahu and moon.  In Actual it is a midpoint between Rahu and the Moon in Birth Chart. It is calculated from Rahu and the Moon. It shows the destiny of your life, that is why it is very important. It is a mathematical point and to calculate Bhrigu Bindu one need to take the longitude of Moon and add it with the longitude of Rahu and divide them by two, and the remaining number would be the degree point.

Bhrigu Bindu ~ Your Destiny Point
After finding your Bhrigu Bindu check in which house it is, sign of the house, nakshatra, position of its lord, planets making connection with it, all tell about the actual purpose of your life. Any planet in transit when aspects or cojoins this mid-point some favourable or unfavourable event takes place. It depend upon the nature of the planet. The effects of transit by conjunction felt more than those by  aspect.  Transit of benefics over Bhrigu Bindu or aspect gives favourable result while malefic transit produces unfavourable results.

शारदीय नवरात्रि ~ 9 पवित्र दिन ~ माँ भगवती की आराधना के लिए (Navratri october 2016 / shaardiya Navratri)

नवरात्रि ~ 9 पवित्र दिन ~ माँ भगवती  की आराधना के लिए |

वर्ष की 4 नवरात्रियों में 2 मुख्य चैत्र और अश्विन नवरात्रि हैं।  इन 9 दिनों में माँ भगवती के 9 रूपों की पूजा की जाती है | नवरात्रे शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा से लेकर नवमी तक की अवधि तक होते है | आश्विन मास ( सितम्बर / अक्टूबर) में आने वाले नवरात्रों को मुख्य नवरात्रे माना जाता है | इन्हे शारदीय नवरात्रों के नाम से जाना जाता है |  2016 में आने वाले शारदीय नवरात्रे और उनकी तारीख  1 अक्टूबर (शनिवार ) से १0 अक्टूबर (सोमवार ) 2016 तक है |  इस बार नवरात्रे 10  दिन  के  हैं। पंचांग के अनुसार द्वितीया तिथि दो दिन की होगी |  विजयदशमी (दशहरा) 11 अक्टूबर (मंगलवार ) को पड़ेगा |

देवी दुर्गा के नौ रूप :
प्रथम् शैल-पुत्री च, द्वितियं ब्रह्मचारिणि
तृतियं चंद्रघंटेति च चतुर्थ कूषमाण्डा
पंचम् स्कन्दमातेती, षष्टं कात्यानी च
सप्तं कालरात्रेति, अष्टं महागौरी च
नवमं सिद्धिदात्री

नवरात्रि तिथि :

प्रथमा तिथि,     1 अक्टूबर 2016, दिन शनिवार (घट स्थापना)
द्वितीया तिथि, 3 अक्टूबर 2016, दिन सोमवार
तृतीया तिथि,    4 अक्टूबर 2016, दिन मंगलवार
चतुर्थी तिथि,     5 अक्टूबर 2016, बुधवार
पंचमी तिथि ,    6 अक्टूबर 2016, बृहस्पतिवार
षष्ठी तिथि,      7 अक्टूबर 2016, शुक्रवार
सप्तमी तिथि,   8 अक्तूबर 2016, शनिवार
अष्टमी तिथि,   9 अक्तूबर 2016, रविवार
नवमी तिथि,   10 अक्तूबर 2016, सोमवार
दशमी तिथि,   11 अक्तूबर 2016, मंगलवार

नवरात्र विशेष  मंत्र

विश्वव्यापी विपत्तियों के नाश के लिए

देवि प्रपन्नार्तिहरे प्रसीद प्रसीद मातर्जगतोखिलस्य |
प्रसीद विश्वेश्वरि पाहि विश्वं त्वमीश्वरी देवि चराचरस्य ||

महामारी नाश के लिए

जयन्ती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी |
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोस्तु ते ||

स्वर्ग और मोक्ष की प्राप्ति के लिए

सर्वभूता यदा देवी स्वर्गमुक्तिप्रदायिनी |
त्वं स्तुता स्तुतये का वा भवन्तु परमोक्तयः ||

भक्ति प्राप्ति के लिए

नतेभ्यः सर्वदा भक्त्या चण्डिके दुरितापहे |
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ||

प्रसन्नता प्राप्ति के लिए

प्रणतानां प्रसीद त्वं देवि विश्वार्तिहारिणि |
त्रैलोक्यवासिनामीड्ये लोकानां वरदा भव ||

जीवन में आरोग्य और सौभाग्य की प्राप्ति के लिए

देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि मे परमं सुखम् |
रूपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि ||

प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्ति के लिए

विद्याः समस्तास्तव देवि भेदाः स्त्रियः समस्ताः सकला जगत्सु।
त्वयैकया पूरितमम्बयैतत् का ते स्तुतिः स्तव्यपरा परोक्तिः।।

अच्छी सेहत और हर प्रकार के भय से मुक्ति के लिए

विशोका दुष्टदमनी शमनी दुरितापदाम्।
उमा गौरी सती चण्डी कालिका सा च पार्वती।।

अशुभ ग्रहों से उपजे संकट से मुक्ति के लिए

हिनस्ति दैत्य तेजांसि स्वनेनापूर्य या जगत्।
सा घण्टा पातु नो देवि पापेभ्योsनः सुतानिव।।
मां चंद्रघंटा को मखाने की खीर का भोग लगायें।

संतान सुख की प्राप्ति के लिए

स्तुता सुरैः पूर्वमभीष्टसंश्रयात्तथा सुरेन्द्रेण दिनेषु सेविता।
करोतु सा नः शुभहेतुरीश्वरी शुभानि भद्राण्यभिहन्तु चापदः।।
मां कूष्माण्डा को अनार के रस का भोग लगायें।

 बुद्धि विकास मंत्र

सौम्या सौम्यतराशेष सौम्येभ्यस्त्वति सुन्दरी।
परापराणां परमा त्वमेव परमेश्वरी।।

वैवाहिक जीवन को सुखी बनाने के लिए

एतत्ते वदनं सौम्यम् लोचनत्रय भूषितम्।
पातु नः सर्वभीतिभ्यः कात्यायिनी नमोsस्तुते।।

शत्रुबाधा से मुक्ति

त्रैलोक्यमेतदखिलं रिपुनाशनेन त्रातं समरमुर्धनि तेSपि हत्वा।
नीता दिवं रिपुगणा भयमप्यपास्त मस्माकमुन्मद सुरारिभवम् नमस्ते।।

परम ऐश्वर्य सिद्धि मंत्र

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरी नारायणी नमोsस्तुते।।

सर्वमनोकामना पूरक मंत्र 
या श्रीः स्वयं सुकृतिनां भवनेष्वलक्ष्मीः पापात्मनां कृतधियां हृदयेषु बुद्धिः।
श्रद्धा सतां कुलजन प्रभवस्य लज्जा तां त्वां नताः स्म परिपालय देवि विश्वम्।।


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

What are the effects of Rahu venus conjunction in horoscope?

What are the effects of Rahu venus conjunction in horoscope?

Venus is for finances, love, romance, relationship, materialistic gains etc.
Rahu is a shadow planet creates illusion, no boundaries, limitless, amplified things, obsessive, unsatsified.
What are the effects of Rahu venus conjunction in horoscope?

Rahu and Venus are friends. Rahu amplified the qualities of the planet it conjunct. Rahu with Venus make the native magnetic and attractive. Native easily can attracts the opposite sex. It becomes pleasure seeking, might give multiple relations, make the native to go beyond social norms. It make the native obsessed about money and comforts. Rahu is a planet of illusion. So native usually have lack of judgement power in love and relations. Native don’t have satisfaction whatever things he have weather it is relations or finances or materialistic comforts. It has always craving for more n more.
Natives having this conjunction in their birth chart might be connected with glamours industry as fashion designer, jwellery business, moddelling etc.
Final result depend on many other things.

What are the effects of jupiter -Saturn conjunction in 3rd house in cancer?

Anjna Agarwal

Jupiter is a planet of wisdom, higher knowledge, teacher, pilgrimage, spirituality, religion, justice, expansion, fortune, children etc. Saturn is for delay, law and order, hardships, poverty, patience, fear, insecurity, contraction, dark, old age etc. 3rd house is for communication, siblings etc.
Jupiter is known as dharma karaka and Saturn is known as Karma Karaka. Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to each other. Both are slow moving planets. When these two planets conjunct in a sign then actual result depend on Sigh they are conjunct, house they own and influence of other planets over these conjunction. Jupiter is natural 9th lord of zodiac while saturn is natural 10th lord of zodiac. Both together in a house form dharmakarmaadhipati yoga also. Usually more inclined towards religious, spiritual activities and follow righteous way to earn livelihood.
Usually this combination give tendency of delaying the things. Native rise in life after the age of 30. It follow systematic approach towards life. They follow the dictim that slow and steady win the race. Native is able to achieve his goals by following systematic, disciplined steady approach. Native might be connected to legal profession. This conjunction is considered good in fire signs.
From 3rd house if will aspect on 5,9,12 houses so it will cause delay to the matters related to the houses aforesaid.
Still final results depend upon many other things.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Shastyamsha D-60 chart (meaning and importants

Shastyamsha D-60 chart (meaning and importants
Lagan chart D-1, D-9 and D-60 chart are the most important charts in any astrological analysis. Parashara has given more importance to D-60. D-60 is the most important chart especially in case of twins birth as  it changes lagna every 2 minutes. If someone is born between those 2 minutes then this chart may even change in the matter of few seconds. Here 2 minutes is the maximum figure. In this case birth time need to be accurate. An error of two minutes in birth time can give faulty shastiamsa chart. Hence it is difficult to accurately give this prediction in absence of accurate birth data. Anyone who knows how to read lagan chart, he would be able to analyze the D-60 chart too the only difference would be, instead of using Vimsottari dasha we use Moola dasha for D60. D-60 chart is analysed for all matters not for past life only.

Rajyoga Interpretation

Rajyoga in Astrology 

Rajyoga in Horoscope 

Rajyoga Interpretation

There are 12 houses in the horoscope out of them 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house are known as Dushsthana (evil houses) while 6th, 8th and 12th houses are also known as Trik houses (inauspicious houses). 

Rajyoga in Astrology 

1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th 9th, 10th and 11th houses are good houses. 1, 4, 7, 10 houses are Kendra houses known as Vishnusthana (sonferring happiness), and 1, 5, 9 houses are Trikona houses known as Lakshmisthana (Conferring wealth). Thus Kendras and Trikonas are considered as the most benefic houses in a horoscope.

Rajyoga in Astrology 

10th is the most powerful kendra house and 9th house is the strongest Trikona house. 9th house relates to religion, Luck, etc while the 10th house relates to profession, status, honour, etc.

When in a horoscope the lords of the 9th and 10th house together occupy an auspicious house, it constitutes a Raja Yoga. When the lords of other Kendra and Trikona houses are similarly placed, i.e., join together in an auspicious house, the resulting Yoga is called 'Sankha'. The Raj Yoga formed by the 9th (dharma) and 10th (Karma) lords is famous as Dharma-Karmadhipati Raja Yoga.

Natives having Dharma-Karmadhipati Raja Yoga attains high status, success and fame in his profession. The native born with Sankha Yoga is blessed with all types of comforts in life.

When a single planet becomes lord of both a Trikona and Kendra like for Taurus ascendant Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th house it is called Yogakarka planet and produces very good result during its period. 

Raja Yogas in Trik houses like 6,8,12 gives its result but after great struggle.

Is manglik dosh a yoga?

Is manglik dosh a yoga?

Mangalik dosh is considered bad for marital happiness and relationship. Mangal dosha is formed when Mars is posited in 2,4,7,8,12 houses from Lagna, Moon and Venus. It is believed to create some disturbance to the concerned house it occupies. But this is not always true.

Actually the people having Mangalik dosha have lot of energy, they can take initiative, have leadership qualities, they are bold and confident, they are capable of doing hard work and struggle to get desired goal, they dont care bout hardships they faced, they are usually very determined, have dynamic personality and very graceful personality. Usually get higher educated if other yogas also supportive many doctors engineers govt. officers having mangalik yoga. So According to me It is not a dosha but a yoga if not under malefic influence. People having mangalik yoga can better go along with the people having the same as they want others also with same energy, hardworkng etc.

Prashna Kundali

Prashna Kundali

prashna kundali is used to predict events.
Prashna Kundali is based on the date, time the question is asked.
There are different methods of making prashna kundali. In some method astrologer take a number and make the chart as per his convinience. In that case time of judgement is important.
In Prashna Kundali Moon reflects the mind and a good astrologer can give answer of the query without asking any question.

Bhava chalit importance

Bhava chalit importance

In Lagna Chart we see sign and aspects a planet will have, in Bhava Chalit Chart we see houses. So, Planets in 1st and 10th house in Lagna Chart getting shifted in the previous 12th and 9th house will be in 12th and 9th house but in the signs of 1th and 5th house and its aspects. Example. Saturn in 10th house in cancer in Lagna Chart getting shifted in previous 9th house will be in 9th but in cancer sign and its aspect will be 12,4,7th houses.

Does Navamsa chart become your "Rasi" chart after age 36

Does Navamsha chart/ navansh chart/D9 chart become your "Rasi" chart after age 36

Lagna chart (D1) shows planetary alignment at the time of your birth. It shows your overall personality and basic information of life. But Navamsha chart (D9) can give you details about you. D9 is related with the 9th house of luck and fortune and holds the hidden undercurrent of our fate. We can get information about life after marriage, about spouse, married life basically it gives information about life in later stage after 32 of age.

Does Navamsha chart/ navansh chart/D9 chart become your "Rasi" chart after age 36

D1 tells about physical existence, the environment you live in, the things you do. But D9 is related with the hidden forces or can say it show the invisible hand of fate that actually decides the results of your efforts. So D9 chart predict about the married life, about the spouse and the dignity of the planet. For example if a planet is debilitated in D1 but exalted in D9 It shows that planet will give good result later in life.

So D9 is helpful but only after the D1.

Ketu moon conjuction

Ketu moon conjuction

moon controls our mind and emotions, it represents mother in astrology
ketu is a malefic planet related to detachment, spirituality, pessimist, 6th sense, some sort of deficiency
moon ketu conjunction in birth chart lead to the native towards pessimism, make more sensitive and emotionally unstable might be less aggressive
It also indicates some karmic baclog to follow specially from maternal side, a curse from the past life
This may also be problematic to mother
some phobia is seen in childhood

Do you need intuition to read a chart?

 Do you need intuition to read a chart?

Astrology with Intuition give more accuracy. As it is related with 6th sense. Knowledge also must. Astrology is a divine knowledge and it works only with divine blessings in the form of intuition.

Which is worse: Waning Moon OR Moon in the 6th or 8th house

Which is worse: Waning Moon OR Moon in the 6th or 8th house

moon in 8th or in scorpio causes health issues if under malefic influence causes various sorts of problems n phobias, get in addictions
moon in 6th also health prone, become very sensitive, quarrelsome
waxing moon has more opportunities in life to explore and expand their resources, on the other hand A waning moon is more about dispersion or spreading of knowledge/resources to others.
I think alone position not matters influence of other planets also important

The Mars + Rahu Combination

The Mars + Rahu Combination

rahu mars conjunction not considered good in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th and 1st house
malefics in upchaya houses not considered bad
In mars rahu conjunction rahu amplified the power of the mars which makes the native extremely aggressive in nature, strong willed, cant stop them 
many soldiers policemen atheletes have this combination
also if this combination is under malefic influence give rise to criminal tendencies also

What if a Yogakaraka is in 8H

What if a Yogakaraka is in 8H

yogakaraka in 8th house
its effects depend on the sign lords they represent and the sign it placed in
and the star they occupy and their strength in other divisional chart

Late vs. early success in a chart

Late vs. early success in a chart

sun is the planet of energy. It represents our father, soul
if it is not strong then there will be late success in life
weak sun means debilitated, weak in directional strength, under malefic influence
but if sun is strong have directional strength success comes early in life native able to complete education, get partner at time, children, job money everything

when sun weak then there is lack of energy so other planets like saturn rahu ketu becomes strong and delay 
strong mars along with sun also gives early success
while saturn rahu ketu delay, obstruct things
saturn is the karak of darkness, pessimism, delay
rahu is shadow planet it obstruct the energy of sun if with sun

When does a planet get combust?

When does a planet get combust?

planets within 3 degree 20 minutes get cumbust
some consider 5 degree also mean a planet within 5 degree from sun is combust

Effects of a strong Surya

Effects of a strong Surya

yes strong sun is the key to success
but other planets role also important
strong sun make the native determined equipped with strong will
mars is the energy which can lead towards goal

8th House Mars in Aries- A Mangalik?

8th House Mars in Aries- A Mangalik?

Mangalik dosha is caused by Mars being 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, or 12 house from Lagna or Moon or Venus. The Lagna represents physical body, the Moon represents Mind and Venus represents sexual relationship in the context of assessing marital bliss in a horoscope. Therefore, the houses mentioned have to be reckoned with reference to all the three viz. lagna, Moon, and Venus. The dosha is considered to be weak when it exists only from the lagna, a little stronger if it exists from the Moon, and still more powerful from Venus.

Mars is a cruel planet astrologically. Mars is a natural significator of Courage, Aggression, Violence, Property, Coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies Passion, the Husband, the Marital Knot, sex, etc. Moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated.

Exceptions to Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha gets cancelled in some special conditions as defined below:

1. When Mars is in its own sign Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or in the houses owned by planets supposed to be his friends (Sun, Jupiter, Moon)
2. If Mars is in the 2nd house but in Gemini, Virgo
3. If Mars is in 12th house but in Taurus, Libra
4. If Mars is in 7th house but in Cancer,
5. If Mars is in 8th house but in Sagittarius, Pisces
6. For Cancer and Leo ascendant Mars is a yogakaraka wherever it may be no dosha at all.
7. For Aquarius ascendant Mars in the 4th/8th house then the manglik dosha gets cancelled.
8. If benefic Jupiter or Venus is in ascendant
9. If Mars is in conjunction or aspected by Jupiter or Moon
10. If Mars is in conjunction/aspected by Sun, Mercury, Saturn,
11. if Saturn aspects the houses owned by Mars
12. If Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter (Guru) or Sun (Suryan) or Sani



Vargottama is a position attained by a planet occupying same sign in Rasi and Navamsa. Birth in 
Vargottama lagna is considered to be most auspicious. Those born in Vargottama Lagna able to fight and come out easily and enjoy good results in the dasha and antara of vargottama planet. 
you saturn exalted in birth chart but debilitaed in d9 so it is different from vargottama
yet saturn in 7th house is considered good